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Les Drus - Face Sud

Les Drus - Face Sud

Regular price $70.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $70.00 CAD
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Though les Drus might be most famous for the extreme lines on its North and West faces, the Charpoua basin is a granite paradise with some moderate long rock routes, including its "normal" route.

Route List

1: Traversée des Drus, D+ 5c, Charlet-Straton, Folliguet, Payot, 1879 - Comte, Giraud, Ravanel, 1903

2: Pilier du Trident (Voie des Auvergnats), TD+ 6b, Collangettes, Frachon, Muzard, 1978

3: Certains l’aiment show, TD+ 6c, Collangettes, Pallandre, 1991

4: Pilier Stembert, TD, Beyer, Debaecke, Masschelein, 1982

5: Bastien-Contamine, TD 5c, Bastien, Contamine, 1952

6: Liaison Stembert-Pierre, TD, Muhlemann, Richardson, 1991

7: Voie Pierre, ED, Brenas, Raquin, 1982

8: Pilier du Trident (Voie des Auvergnats), TD+ 6b, Collangettes, Frachon, Muzard, 1978

9: Certains l’aiment show, TD+ 6c, Collangettes, Frachon, 1991

10: Pilier SW de l’Aiguille Sans Nom, ED 6c, Green, Richardson, 1998



Feb 15, 2022: Added four new lines, thanks to Simon Richardson again!

Oct 13, 2022: Graphic design update

Aug 28, 2023: Corrected FA info on Certains l'aiment chaud, thanks to François Pallandre.

May 15, 2024: Graphic design update

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